How Much Sugar Does Our Brain Need?

How Much Sugar Does Our Brain Need? It is common knowledge that the brain’s main source of fuel is glucose, (aka sugar) and our main source of glucose is Carbohydrates. Chemically, our brains run on about 25% glucose and yes, it is needed it to function. First we need to define “carbs”. In [...]

How Much Sugar Does Our Brain Need?2021-01-06T22:35:52+00:00

Fake Sugar Is No Substitute!

Fake Sugar Is No Substitute! We are hardwired to like the taste of sugar as it is a trigger for the brain to expect food. If sweeteners are substituted for sugar often, it signals the brain that calories are coming, but they don’t. Artificial sweeteners only partially activate reward pathways, as they are [...]

Fake Sugar Is No Substitute!2021-01-06T22:36:06+00:00

Should We Be Cutting Carbs?

Should We Be Cutting Carbs? “Carbs” is a very general term that describes some very different foods. Carbohydrates are one of the three main classes of foods (along with Fats and Proteins) and a source of energy. Ideally, they are a combination of sugars, starches and fibre that the body breaks down into glucose [...]

Should We Be Cutting Carbs?2021-01-06T22:36:53+00:00

Eat Less Sugar, Just Add Salt!

Eat Less Sugar, Just Add Salt! Thousands are hospitalized yearly with low sodium as a result. Others feel dizzy, weak and lethargic and misinterpret the symptoms as a sign of aging or thyroid issues. Our bodies maintain normal blood levels of salt, among other key vitamins and minerals through a process called HOMEOSTATIC [...]

Eat Less Sugar, Just Add Salt!2021-01-06T22:37:07+00:00
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