How Much Sugar Does Our Brain Need?
It is common knowledge that the brain’s main source of fuel is glucose, (aka sugar) and our main source of glucose is Carbohydrates.
Chemically, our brains run on about 25% glucose and yes, it is needed it to function.
First we need to define “carbs”. In actuality, ALL whole foods have a carbohydrate component, along with many other nutrients including fibre. A NO CARB diet is literally impossible. However, manufactured foods tend to be very high in fast absorbing starches and sugars, which are carbs in a very simple form and limited in nutrients.
When our food intake is comprised of high quantities of these carbs, we condition our brains to NEED them as they are a quickly delivered source that result in cravings.
When carb intake is low, the liver will break down glycogen (stored form of glucose) into the glucose needed for the brain.
Consequently, when liver glycogen depletes, the production of the ever popular KEYTONES jumps in. These are water soluble compounds created by fat metabolism and can cross the blood-brain barrier to provide the brain with the energy it needs.
This means there’s another fuel source available for the brain when the body runs out of glucose.
“So your brain can have all its energy demands met by the liver whether you eat carbs or not.”
By keeping our carbohydrate intake limited to smaller amounts of slow burning healthy carbs like beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, leafy greens, sour apples and berries, we supply the body with more vitamins, minerals and fibre and retrain our metabolism to burn fat more efficiently!